Students should undergo a medical examination every year and take tests for the absence of HIV infection. Foreign citizens must have an insurance policy to provide emergency medical care. The cost of an insurance policy is determined by agreement with the insurance company.

There is a center for primary health care in the O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv. The responsibility of the medical staff is to ensure the relationship between the student hospital, the administration of the university, the Students union committee, the campus in matters of preserving the health of students and the epidemiological wellbeing of workers. The medical staff ensures the organization and conduct of medical and preventive work among students:

  • First aid for acute diseases and accidents;
  • Reception of patients;
  • Service calls in dormitories and the area adjacent to the student's hospital
  • Organization and conduct of preventive examinations of students;
  • Planning and ensuring fluorographic examination of students;
  • Conducting a full survey and preventive examinations of students of foreign countries (main and preparatory departments);
  • Conducting an expert evaluation of the completeness and quality of completing the medical certificate of entrants for the purpose of planning and organizing a set of preventive measures;
  • Conducting an individual analysis of the vaccination of students;
  • Development of a vaccination plan and vaccinations for students taking into account indications and contraindications;
  • Providing a medical check-up when students are placed in a hostel after a vacation;
  • Work in the foci of infection in dormitories and in classrooms;
  • Ensuring the registration of cases of morbidity with VUT, analysis of morbidity by courses, faculties and nosological units;
  • Conducting sanitary-educational work;
  • Keeping records and reporting documentation and providing it to the student hospital.

The most convenient for students is a Kharkov city student's hospital №20, which is located in 3 minutes walk from the university: 

8/10 Darvina st.,

Tel (057) 725-51-78

Студенческая больница

Student Hospital is a modern multi-disciplinary medical and preventive institution that provides medical care at 3 levels:

Primary health care is provided in 14 Primary Health Care Centers and 9 health centers located directly in universities, where a complex of preventive and anti-epidemic measures are carried out. Primary medical care is provided.

Secondary - in the clinic with 3 thousand visitors a day, where the doctors-specialists are all types of medical and preventive care, incl. Medical examination, and all the necessary diagnostic tests are carried out.

Tertiary - in a hospital for 180 beds for students.

The hospital has 866 employees, incl. doctors in 34 specialties.

The main tasks of the hospital are:

  • emergency medical care;
  • preservation of epidemiological wellbeing in student groups;
  • prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases;
  • medical-diagnostic help;
  • formation of students' skills of healthy lifestyle, incl. preventing the development of addictions and bad habits;
  • psychological help to students.

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